Multi-layered depth
In everydays life we find ourselves bound to the limits of a very reduced focus of our perception. Although this can be annoying it is essential to focus our attention to the necessary essence of our presence. This unavoidable truth can become an agony in moments where you find peace and tranquility because swtiching to 'permeable mode' demands effort and training and most people are not willing to pay these tributes. If they could see for one moment what lies beneath the two dimensional projection of what they think is reality...Or maybe this Box of Pandora isn't meant to be reachable for everyone...Maybe wealth, courage and intelligence aren't meant to be available for everyone in the same quantity. You could argue that it is this that makes life and people interesting. But then again where are your human rights when there is destiny?
Denatured by Nature
Let's be honest: Sometimes it gets all of us - well at least this counts for me: After a long dusty and grey winter, the very first sunrays touching smoothly the dried rosebuds of last season, the smell of honey and fresh earth, shivers from the last breath of the coldness... The emergence of green amid brown leaves and mossy tree truncs... The wind singing a song of its lonely life, whistling above your head, the milky-crystal gurgles of a young streamlet...Summer, wishing back those lemon moments; winterday, longing for its cracking warmth.Oh could I just break out of this ludicrous situation to get this feeling right now! But it seems that we first have to erect the tower before we can start contemplating its magnificent view...So don't rush and just wait a little more...
What if there was the end of the world and nobody would be aware of it? Everybody being too eager to reach the end of the day instead of beeing fully consciously cognisant that someday, maybe, they won't be anymore. I'm convinced that only if you are momentarily aware of your own existence, even if it's a sham, that your are open to the beauty of the instant. I do reckon that this is not always possible, taking in consideration that we all have to fulfill certain tasky during our time that are better not done fully consciously, because this would trap you in a world of doubts. So the obvious choice is to face eryday-life as little numb as possible, to be able to engage the switch at the right moment. If you choose this way you must know that an open heart, even if it's only for one short moment, also leaves you unprotected for sharp wounds. I for my part accept this fact and prefer those scars over missing a single one of these wonderful moments.
What is in your head
Some people make money with theirs heads, others with their hands. I think that loosing your hands while keeping your mind is the real horror. We slowly kill our brains but die on a heart attack. Carelessness is death too! A mind can only blossom on the cutting edge of a razor blade. Touching the skin softly, not pushing to hard. Without moving left or right, being under- or overnourished, it can bare fruits. Few will touch those fruits if your heart can't bless them with taste. The tasteless won't need their senses to burden you with money. Hopefully you will!